Category: WordPress

  • Deploying AWS Global Accelerator and Aurora for WordPress

    The blog database was migrated to AWS Aurora (it was previously hosted on the same EC2 instance as the blog itself, running MySQL). No thrills, just the basic Aurora setup, but it seems to work well.

    Another easy change was to enable the AWS Global Accelerator to reduce latency and provide a consistent browsing experience. I simply created/enabled the Accelerator in AWS and made the necessary changes to the existing DNS records. Voila.

  • WordPress AWS CloudFront plugin

    For those who want to use CloudFront with their WordPress blog, a plugin is available here.

    The simplest way to use it is to install it and provide your cloudfront URL and deployment ID (which is usually the first part of the URL) and you’re good to go.

    It is being used on this blog in this way and it seems to work well. Your CloudFront distribution settings may play a role, so please check those in case of any issues.